Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Technology in the Kindergarten Classroom

Technology in the classroom is a hot topic in today’s tech-savvy world. Students are expected to use different types of technology for instruction, projects, assessments, research, collaboration; the list goes on and on. So how do we ensure that students are making the most out of their technology usage in school?
Well… it all starts in kindergarten!
While many students have been exposed to computers, tablets, and smart phones at home, it is relatively common that they have little to no experience with the types of technology or programs teachers want them to use in the elementary classroom. On the first day of school, students in my class are exposed to our classroom Smartboard. They work one-on-one with me the first time, making sure they know how to operate the board to complete the class expectation. After each child has accomplished their individual task, we meet as a whole class to talk about Smartboard rules and expectations.
While we do ease in to using the desktop computers, tablets, laptops, wireless listening center, and document camera in my classroom, students are introduced to the Smartboard within 10 minutes of entering the classroom. From that day on, students must interact with the Smartboard on a daily basis for a variety of reasons. My students check themselves in and make a lunch choice immediately after unpacking their backpack. It is amazing how much more fun these mundane tasks can be when you throw in a Smartboard! I have seen a significant decrease in the amount of students who forget to start their day with these tasks now that I use a Smartboard rather than the typical paper, pencil, and magnetic name system that used to be found in elementary classrooms.
As my class gets used to the daily routine and rules of our classroom and school, we are able to introduce more technology opportunities. Students are introduced to one piece of technology at a time, and they use this new item for several days before introducing the next item. Typically, by the middle of September, students are working independently with the Smartboard, desktop computers, ASUS tablets, and Boogie Boards.
My next several blogs will focus on each of the big pieces of technology utilized in my kindergarten classroom.  I will address what technology is available, what students are supposed to do with that technology, and what benefits I see from using that piece of technology in our classroom.
Now that I am used to the technology resources available at my school, I can’t imagine life without them!

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